Friday, May 28, 2010

End of May

Basic update of the things here

Computer donation project: Local government has promised us logistical assistance once the computers are shipped to the island of Santo Antao. Translation: If we get the $22,000 dollars to arrange, ship, ship again, inspect and transport the computers to the schools, they will accept them. Big thanks.

English instruction: After the average class size became .5 I decided to begin again with a different demographic. I started teaching English for tourism, and had a good number of people declare strong interest in the class. Wednesday's turnout: 5, 3 of which came upon my pleading and were just passing by, 1 of which was me.

Drip irrigation project: The minister of education laid down the first brick for the new resevoir tank last month. It is to date, the only brick there.


New projects:

Study for the foreign service exam.
Study for the GRE
Cook every recipe in the Peace Corps cookbook
Eat the tomatoes I planted in February
Take photos of everything I own
Alphabatatize my TO DO list
Write another unpublished book



  1. Maybe we should start sending each other letters... that should take up some time. Thoughts? ;)

  2. Hey Bud!

    Keep up the due dilligence, it will come back to you in time! One brick at a time my man!


Dartboard Appreciation

Dartboard Appreciation
At long last the dartboard is up